You. Are. Grounded. That is the words that imprinted in your mind after you failed a subject in school. You can't go out of the house for a month because you have to make use of your now free time to study the subjects that you failed. You have to regain the failure as a passed subject. You have been studying for 6 straight hours. And your mind is not processing new information. After a few more minutes your parents left home and won't be back anytime soon but they locked the house so you wont escape. Look for the spare key and go outside for a minute and relax with fresh air flowing through your skin.
You. Are. Grounded. That is the words that imprinted in your mind after you failed a subject in school. You can't go out of the house for a month because you have to make use of your now free time to study the subjects that you failed. You have to regain the failure as a passed subject. You have been studying for 6 straight hours. And your mind is not processing new information. After a few more minutes your parents left home and won't be back anytime soon but they locked the house so you wont escape. Look for the spare key and go outside for a minute and relax with fresh air flowing through your skin.
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